⚓ ANC [雇主税务责任 3.0]
🔥 今后复训同学半价,可享有不断更新及复训福利🔥
➡ 3.0 中文课 Mandarin Session:24.02.2025 (星期一)
➡ 上课时间:10AM - 6PM
💲 课程价格:
⭕ 新生|索取HRD的同学 : RM486
⭕ 复训生: RM243 (半价: 50%)**
⚠️ 复训生价格 Revision Student Price: 只有曾经参加过我们电子发票线上课程(1.0 - 2.0 课 - 课程日期2024年1月2月)的学生才能享有这个优惠。⚠️
➡️ Overview of Employer’s tax obligation on employment income 雇主对就业收入和税务责任概述
➡️ Understanding the types of employment income in the Act 了解法律中不同类型的就业收入
➡️ Understanding Residence status 了解税务居民
➡️ Overview of Form E, C.P.8D and EA E报表,CP8D报表和EA报表概述
➡️ Completing Form EA 完成 E报表
➡️ Employment income & benefits 不同类型的收入,福利和税务豁免
➡️ Allowances and new tax-exempt allowances 就业津贴和免税津贴
➡️ Director Fee 董事费
➡️ Employee share option scheme 员工股权激励计划
➡️ Tax borne by employer 雇主承担税务
➡️ Benefit in Kind 实物利益
➡️ Leave Passage 员工假期福利
➡️ Compensation for loss of employment 失业补偿
➡️ Value of living accommodation 生活住宿
➡️ Completing Form E and C.P.8D 完成 E和 CP8D报表 (表格2025年3月1日才开放)
➡️ Recent Updates and Developments (Budget 2025) 最新更新和发展(2025年财案)
➡️ Penalties and offences 处罚和违规行为
➡️ Q&A 你问我答
➡ 线上课 Webinar (Zoom)
➡ 英文讲义 中文讲解 English Notes
➡ BIP 实践工具 Tools in BIP
➡ 一个星期回放 1 Week Unlimited Replay
上課記得準備 For Class, remember to bring along :-
✅ 筆記本 Note Book
✅ 第二台螢幕(極力推薦)Second Monitor
我们课堂上见咯。See you there.
❗❗ Gentle Reminder:
1. 索取HRD的同学,请完成谷歌注册表格:https://forms.gle/CGkR2k8uCsoZ7mNP6
For HRD Registrant, kindly complete the above-mentioned google form
[您不需要完成这张 Order.O.MY 付款表格 You are not required to complete this Payment Order.O.MY Form]
2. 如果报名的同学超过 1 位 ,请在备注 (Remark)填上每位同学的名称和电邮。可以参考以下:
If there are more than 1 participant registered, please include the name and email address of each participant in the remarks section. Please refer to the example below:
Name 1 : Song Liew
Email 1 : songliew@gmail.com
Name 2 : Jacky Cheung
Email 2 : jackycheung@gmail.com
3. 请在付款后填上公司 名字和地址
Kindly include your Company name and address after payment is made.
4. 请在付款后下载发票
Kindly download the invoice upon payment made.